Hi everyone and welcome to my blog and creative space, Happy in Red. I am your host Esther, a 30-something from Utrecht, The Netherlands. During the day I am a journalist, travel writer and web editor. I am the proud owner of De Beer Media, I feel extremely blessed that I was able to make a career out what I love to do best. Writing.
I am the owner of Mooistestedentrips.nl and Your Dutch Guide, two travel blogs that I pour my heart and soul into. Here on Happy in Red you’ll also be able to read some travel stories, but with a creative twist. These are creative guides and give you a great idea about which creative places, yarn shops and awesome shops to visit in the most beautiful cities on earth.
But first and foremost, Happy in Red is about crochet. Because I love to crochet. It calms me down and it inspires me, more than anything.
A quick start to Happy in Red
What else can I tell you about me?
- I am married to my sweet love!
- I am the mother of a lovely little boy.
- Black cats are my favourite.
- The Tour de France is something I never, ever miss.
- Running is my go-to sport.
- My hair is long and red, that’s why I named my blog Happy in Red.
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